The Hidden Place

November 19, 2009

Donald Jurney

Filed under: Contemporary Painters — thehiddenplace @ 9:55 pm
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Donald Jurney’s landscapes show a very clear reverence for the work of the Barbizon and Hudson River Schools.  Some of his compositions are much like Daubigny’s, with solid design drawing one’s eye between feathery trees, gently rippling water and skies heavy with atmosphere.

His wonderfully muted colours have a brilliant but subtle vibration that keeps his work from ever looking dull as many low-chroma landscapes do.  Instead one feels the thickness of the air and the trickling flow of light.

There’s a great sense of focus in his work too.  Often it is a tiny detail, a small area of strongly contrasting colour or value, that rings out clear like the triangle in an orchestra, bringing a touch of poetry to the broader areas.


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