The Hidden Place

December 12, 2008

Joseph Zbukvic

Filed under: Contemporary Painters — thehiddenplace @ 12:43 am
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Landscapes time.  This time it’s the watercolours of Joseph Zbukvic.  I’ve no idea how to pronounce his name, but I know i love his work.  I hold in high regard any painter who can show the over-painted subject of Venice in a way that makes me look at the city afresh.  He’s not limited to Venice though, with work covering both urban and rural environments.


A sense of atmosphere is combined with visually absorbing compositions, which have a brilliant sense of focus that keeps you looking around the image, stopping here and there to admire the variations between a broad and tight focus.


A low chroma keeps his colours harmonious and avoids the common pitfall of the brightly coloured touristy images of Venice.  Like Whistler’s etchings of the place, one gets a sense of the artist’s fascination with the light around him, rather than a postcard-type image that is peddled to the millions of tourists.


Gallery at Melbourne Fine Art

Gallery at Artists Realm

Gallery at Greenhouse Gallery

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